Dec 19, 2008


We stopped for a day in Antalya in transit from the Mediterranean coast to central Turkey. Once again the reality far exceeded my guide book-based expectations (as I'm writing this - my second consecutive post on this theme - I'm realizing that perhaps I need to pay a bit more attention to my travel research ... hmm). Anyway this was the steep descent through a charming seaside town to the harbor I was expecting to find in Olympos.

We stayed in a charming pension with a breakfast patio full of peach trees. In town we found a great bookstore (an opportunity totally wasted on me since one of my two purchases was by P.J. O'Rourke, who I thought was supposed to be an "American humorist" but turned out to be little more than a classic jerk). The proprietor - middle-aged, loud, and curmudgeonly but incredibly well-read - was full of memorable pronouncements like, "Murakami? Yes, I read him. A hack! Boring!!" Classic.

Finally we ate our first Turkish tost (basically panini) while the sun set on this scene.

xoxo Jessie

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