See it there skulking between the "u" and "o"? Now scan down and discern it's partner in crime, the always dotted "i"! I need the former for capitalization and the latter for lower case. Otherwıse İ end up lıke thıs.
And I have no learning curve. A number of my online accounts have now locked me out for trying to sign in as Jessıca (it doesn't help my omni-password has a couple offenders in there as well). It takes me at least two tries just to reach Gmail, the New York Times, and this blog. You are reading a post that has been scanned twice for flubbed usage.
All this is to say, posts may be getting a bit shorter these next few weeks.
That was exhausting.
xoxo Jessıe
p.s. Jor, I hope you know adding the pic was all for you babe;)
1 comment:
Good timing on leaving Greece. Rioting left and right.
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