Dec 5, 2008

Keyboards: the Turkısh edıtıon

Keys so worn they're no longer legible? I can deal. New placement of old punctuation, I got it. Heck, I'd even gotten used to those keyboards in Athens with no return keys left. But the Turkish keyboard has me beat. There are some new letters (ĞÜŞİÖÇ). But it's only one that's driving me to distraction, the dotless "ı"...

See it there skulking between the "u" and "o"? Now scan down and discern it's partner in crime, the always dotted "i"! I need the former for capitalization and the latter for lower case. Otherwıse İ end up lıke thıs.

And I have no learning curve. A number of my online accounts have now locked me out for trying to sign in as Jessıca (it doesn't help my omni-password has a couple offenders in there as well). It takes me at least two tries just to reach Gmail, the New York Times, and this blog. You are reading a post that has been scanned twice for flubbed usage.

All this is to say, posts may be getting a bit shorter these next few weeks.

That was exhausting.

xoxo Jessıe

p.s. Jor, I hope you know adding the pic was all for you babe;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good timing on leaving Greece. Rioting left and right.
